Friday Reminder

Just a friendly reminder to try and get all the informational items sent home this week returned to school tomorrow. Mrs. Duignan will be entering any changed information into the system next week, to make sure all contact information is current and up to date in the event we need to contact you.

The kids are also writing a small reflection for me for homework and it is also due tomorrow. They can write as little or as much as they like. The goal is for them to tell me what they want me to know about them. Many have already submitted their work which is awesome. Thank you for making the effort to getting these items back. I appreciate the thoughtful information you provided me to help get to know your kids a little better. It makes the world of difference!

On Sunday night I will send out our first weekly agenda email to those who provided an email address . If for some reason you do not get it, it is perhaps because I could not read your writing fully or have mistaken a letter for a number, or lowercase for an uppercase. If you do not get it Sunday night, it is best that you just email me and I will add you to the list.

Thank you!