Soccer Tomorrow

Just a reminder that tomorrow is the Family of Schools Soccer Tournament. Bring lots of water and healthy snacks. Best of luck to all our classmates on the team!

Grade 5's Explore the Water Cycle

Grade 5's are exploring one of the most common real life examples of how matter changes from a solid, to a liquid and then a gas, the 'Water Cycle.' Yesterday we made little water cycle samples in Ziploc baggies and are waiting to watch the water cycle in action, as the water evaporates, condenses and then falls back down as precipitation.

Grade 6's Exploring Properties of Air

Grade 6's discovering that air 'although we cannot see it' takes up space! By turning a glass upside down and pushing it into a container of water, the air pushes against the water. It takes up space in the cup. We even put a Kleenex in the cup to see what would happen and it came out dry!

Wallet Returned!

Miss. Brioux's wallet made its way back to her desk today during lunch. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Scarecrows are Invading!

We hope you have seen some scarecrows going up around town. Help build community spirit and get yours registered! Last day for sign up is Saturday from 9-12 @ Sullivan's General Store. You can also send in the form that was sent home first week of school by Friday.

Happy Birthday RYLAND & KAYLAH!

We hope you had a great day in class today Ryland and Kaylah and that you enjoy your birthday tonight! Happy Birthday!

Wallet Missing

In packing up at the end of the day Miss. Brioux's wallet went missing from her desk area. If you by chance grabbed it by mistake (as it looks like a pencil case), no worries at all, as things were a little chaotic with cross country practice at the end of the day. All I ask is that you just set it back on my desk sometime throughout the day if possible. If you did notice it somewhere, just let me know that too. Thanks kiddos!

Babysitter Course Handout- Coming Home Today

Parent Council- First Meeting September 19th YOUR INVITED

Photo Day- Save the Date October 18th

Exploring Pic Collage

Grade 5's exploring 'Pic Collage' on the iPad as they make collages that have examples of real life solids, liquids and gases.

Does Air Have A Mass?

Grade 6's found out today that yes it does!

Reminder- Book Orders

Just a reminder that book orders are due on Friday if you are getting anything. If paying online, still send your form in so I know which books you purchased. Thanks.

Cross Country

Cross country practice has begun at the end of each day. Ensure you bring proper running shoes so you can participate in walking or running. All are participating for the first few weeks, and then those who want to go to cross country will the only ones practicing.

Graffiti in the Works

Block and bubble letters mastered. Moving on to adding stylistic elements commonly found in graffiti tags.

Our 2017-2018 Crew! Watch out!

Missing Pencil Case

A black pencil case went missing at the end of the day during pack up time. If you by chance accidentally have one in your backpack, just bring it back to school on Monday. Thank you.

Happy Weekend Everyone!

Friday Reminder

Just a friendly reminder to try and get all the informational items sent home this week returned to school tomorrow. Mrs. Duignan will be entering any changed information into the system next week, to make sure all contact information is current and up to date in the event we need to contact you.

The kids are also writing a small reflection for me for homework and it is also due tomorrow. They can write as little or as much as they like. The goal is for them to tell me what they want me to know about them. Many have already submitted their work which is awesome. Thank you for making the effort to getting these items back. I appreciate the thoughtful information you provided me to help get to know your kids a little better. It makes the world of difference!

On Sunday night I will send out our first weekly agenda email to those who provided an email address . If for some reason you do not get it, it is perhaps because I could not read your writing fully or have mistaken a letter for a number, or lowercase for an uppercase. If you do not get it Sunday night, it is best that you just email me and I will add you to the list.

Thank you!

St. Martin's Church Youth Group- Forms

A note was sent home today for those students in grade 6, 7, or 8 interested in joining the St. Martin's Church Youth Group. Please return this sheet by Friday, along with bottle drive permission if your child is able to help out. This helps us organize the number of vehicles and seats we need to round up for Saturday.

Sorry grade year!

Reading at Home

Today we had some iPad time trying to set up the EPIC reading App in class. This is accessible from home as well if you are looking for some digital reading resources.

The app can be used on apple devices, or through use of a desktop computer/laptop. It is free to educators, so I signed up all the kids.

Instructions on how to sign in from home is posted in READING LINKS on our classroom blog.


First Day is Over!

Thank you for a great first day back grade 5/6. It was extremely welcoming, and I have never been to a school with such great manners. Please and thank you all day long, loving it! Today was a bit of a fun day to get to know each other and we hope to get into regular classroom routine tomorrow. I will post some first day pictures at the end of this week, or once I receive all the student information sheets back on Friday.

Items sent home today:

  • Book bag with agenda (should come back and forth each day)
  • Student Information Sheet with all the emergency contacts. Please update, and change where necessary. The back of this form has a lot of signatures required for all the school releases (pictures, walking excursions, etc), please ensure you see this portion
  • Scholastic book orders sent home
  • Ennismore Scarecrow Contest...which is being run by our Church Youth Group
  • Student insurance information
  • Parent questionnaire
If you could do your best to get the 'informational' items returned by this Friday that would be super. Looking forward to another great day tomorrow. Looking forward to a great school year!

Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone to the start of a new school year. Our blog will be the place to go to see what is happening in our class. I will post pictures of the kids working, celebrations and special events. It will also be used for reminders of what is happening within the school. Please check it regularly for updates, as I will do my best to update it regularly.

The following is a link to our September newsletter. This will be the one and only newsletter I send home throughout the year. Each week I will email you a 'Week at a Glance' which will inform you of what is happening that week in class.

All the best! Looking forward to an amazing school year!

September Newsletter Miss. Brioux Grade 5/6 Class